Answer™ Multi-Use Carpet Cleaner works aggressively to release carpet soils in 4 ways – as a spotter, a pre-spray, a spin clean and an extraction cleaner.
This unique formulation satisfies many carpet cleaning requirements and provides safe/carefree maintenance of carpets. As a spotter it removes tough soils such as food, pet stains and even dirty motor oil. As a pre-spray, spin clean or extraction cleaner it brings these tough soils away from the carpet fibers without leaving a residue that can attract soils.
AnswerTM Multi-Use Carpet Cleaner is formulated with a fresh apple scent and looks like apple cider.
Always thoroughly vacuum the carpet and remove any attached deposits prior to use. If there is a question of the carpet’s colorfastness, always pre-test in an inconspicuous area.
Franklin Products: minimum purchase of $200
Please contact us for a shipping quote.
Product Specifications
pH (concentrate) – 8.0 ± 0.5
pH (at 1:32) – 6.8 ± 0.5
pH (at 1:64) – 6.7 ± 0.5
pH (at 1:128) – 6.4 ± 0.5
Color – Light Brown
Physical State – Concentrated Liquid
Directions for Use
- Dilute at 2 ounces per gallon (1:64 ratio) of cool water.
- Pre-spray the carpet using a tank sprayer or electric sprayer. Allow a 15 minute dwell time for maximum results.
- Extract or spin clean with Answer™ then force dry the carpet.
Spin Bonnet:
- Dilute at 1 ounce per gallon (1:128 ratio) of cool water.
- Spray or treat the bonnet and carpet.
- Spin clean using a low-speed rotary machine (175-300 rpm) and appropriate driver and a spin bonnet.
- Dilute at 1 ounces per gallon (1:128 ratio) of hot water.
- Extract then force dry the carpet.
- Dilute at 4 ounces per gallon (1:32 ratio) of cool water (1 ounce per quart sprayer bottle).
- Spray the outer edges of the stain first then the center of the stain.
- Blot with a clean cloth and rinse with clean water then repeat blotting.
Product PDF's
Product Label
Safety Data Sheet
Technical Data Sheet